2024 ERhsVB Contract
Player,Parent & Coach Contract
Consistency breeds trust, trust breeds relationships, relationships build loyalty.
I will demonstrate passion.
I set daily goals to provide me direction and purpose.
I am fully engaged. I listen and ask questions.
I compete/play to the best of my ability with the intent to win/better myself and the team.
I choose to own my why and keep it front and center each day.
I will demonstrate grit.
I do all the things that others are not willing to do to reach my goals.
I put in the time necessary for success.
I find my fight and remind myself each day what I am fighting for.
I see the opportunity in every difficulty.
I choose to get comfortable being uncomfortable.
I will demonstrate persistence. .
I keep going despite obstacles in my way.
I see difficulties as happening for me, not to me.
I seek answers in the face of adversity.
I check in with myself to stay confident, in control, and focused.
I choose to respond calmly, and in control with purpose and intention.
I will demonstrate character and integrity.
I am disciplined with my time and daily activities..
I live intentionally.
I will own my actions.
I give up excuses and victim language.
I choose to live my unique purpose.
I will bring my best to the team and the court. .
I make a commitment to think productive thoughts so that I can do my best.
I train my mind using mental tools and strategies.
I give my best attitude, preparation, and effort day in and day out.
I generate energy, enthusiasm and positive momentum.
I will choose happiness and gratitude.
Elk River Volleyball Program is an extraordinary opportunity
which demands extraordinary effort from all interested parties.
As a member of the Elk River High School Volleyball Team, I choose to abide by the expectations outlined in this contract and the rules and guidelines stated in the team handbook.
ATHLETE NAME:______________________________SIGNATURE:________________________________
~Love the Players~
Professional Preparation
Develop a strong purpose and live it with intention.
Be a lifelong student of the game.
Come prepared for every practice, competition and volleyball event.
Work to build a culture of trust and encouragement.
Provide Team Building Activities.
Provide clear and consistent expectations.
Personally Care for the athletes.
Positive Talk
Purposeful Character
High Standards
COACHES NAME:______________________________SIGNATURE:________________________________
I have read the team handbook and I agree to the following:
Participate in parent meetings, read information provided weekly and engage in educational opportunities.
Support the athlete to attend all scheduled practices,ensure the athlete is on time to practice, and is picked up from practice or matches on time.
Encourage my child to deal with the coaches directly regarding any issues that may arise during the season.
Respectfully communicate with the coaching staff with regard to my child.
Be a role model for sportsmanship at matches by making only positive comments about the players, coaches, officials, and treating the opponents and their fans with respect.
PARENT 1 NAME:______________________________SIGNATURE:________________________________
PARENT 2 NAME:______________________________SIGNATURE:________________________________