Coaches Corner
Prior Editions
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Prior editions of coaches corner
SUBJECT TO CHANGE: See Remind Texts and/or Emails for up-to-date changes!
october 9
Line Judge: We would love to encourage all of you to learn this role and help out when you can!
Banquet Night
Deadline to RSVP is Sunday October 27th
The following link is for registration. Please RSVP
September 27
Sept 30:
JV/Varsity Tickets
Oct 5
Forest Lake Tournament: B Team
September 21
September 2
URGENT NEED: we are looking for a team Parent Liaison for each team!
We are also looking for parents to assist in a variety of activities.
URGENT : 2024 Parent Volunteers NEEDED ASAP!
August 2024
As you likely know, ISD 728 has transitioned to online tickets (no cash or checks accepted) at all of our athletic contests. As in the past, we will only be charging for V/JV/B-squad volleyball.
For parent passes - we are utilizing the pass function through our vendor, GoFan.
Please send this information out to the volleyball parents.
Link for Volleyball parent passes:
They will only be on sale from noon on 8/22 until noon on 8/30!
A parent can purchase a pass for themselves and their partner, and then they can transfer a pass via their phone.
There is a helpful article at
Thanks for getting the information out. Also - please ask everyone to have patience with us - this is new for many of us!
Business Sponsorship fundraiser
"Our Business Sponsorship fundraiser helps us to obtain funds to cover the many costs not covered by district funding. Examples include additional coaching staff, uniforms, team meals and bus snacks, and end of season banquet to name a few. The more money we can raise, the less we have to ask from parents to cover these out of pocket expenses. Every dollar we raise is 100% profit, there are no cuts to give back to vendors, products, etc. AND there is no delivery of fundraiser items like pizzas, cookie dough and coupon cards!
Our hope is that each girl will secure a minimum of one business sponsor this season - more is always welcomed! Last year we had 13 players who were able to bring in sponsorship totalling about $9,000 and we would love to see that number increase this year. We offer 4 levels of sponsorship to be considered and the outline of what is included in each level is noted in the attached overview that you can share with your prospective business owner. Business owners can be from Elk River, the surrounding area, or really any geography. Here are a few tips to ensure that your daughter is successful:
(Keep scrolling:)
Once you arrive at a potential business sponsor location, walk in and ask if the manager is available. If there is not a manager, ask for a person that could possibly make a decision on community sports sponsorship. If no one is available, ask if there is a better time that you could come back and talk or if you could leave some information for them to review and consider. If someone is available:
Start the conversation with "I am (Name) with the ERHS Girls Volleyball team and we are looking for sponsors for our 2024 volleyball season. The support we receive from local community businesses help us pay for uniforms, coaches, equipment, and much more. We are offering 4 levels of sponsorship and each level has a variety of sponsorship benefits". You should give the forms to the potential sponsor for their review.
Once the potential sponsor has reviewed the form, ask "can we count on you for a level of sponsorship for 2024?". If they say no, thank them. If they say yes, thank them first and ask which level they are interested in and provide them with the Team Sponsorship form. they can fill out the Team Sponsorship Form on their own and mail it in with their payment to the PO box address on that form.
Please make sure they are aware of the deadline for payment (especially if they want to be included in our seasons program)
Please add YOUR info to the Sponsorship Form before you give it to them so we can give you credit for securing that sponsorship and in the event that we need to review or follow up with you on anything at a later time.
August 5
July 22
2023 Prior editions of coaches corner
OCTOBER 14 2023
Team Photo Links:
OCTOBER 2 2023
Team Photo Links:
September 15 2023
Team Photo Links:
September 10 2023
Team Photo Links:
May 2023
Coaches Corner
I coach to assist young women to become courageous,
trustworthy and reliable and
to demonstrate a love for others to positively impact their world.
“Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard” ~ Tim Notke
**Summer Strength and Speed is at 8:15 M-R.